EDGE youth
making young disciples in Houlton, rich in faith through the teaching of the gospel
What we do
At EDGE Youth, we host a number of weekly and monthly events designed to engage youth in a way that aligns with our mission and vision while also creating a safe and fun environment for them to worship and build friendships!

After School
Every Tuesday from 2:45-4:00 PM, EDGE Youth hosts an after school hang-out where youth can come and hand out with each other, get snacks, play games, and even do homework (for those who want to)

Youth Group
Every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 PM is our regularly scheduled youth night. Filled with snacks, games, worship, and a time of teaching, youth are given the chance to learn more about Jesus while also growing in their relationship with mentors, leaders, and friends!

Special Events
Whether it's a worship night partnered with churches across Aroostook County or rally's throughout the US and Canada, we participate in a number of special events designed to engage youth and grow them closer to who Jesus wants us to be!
Who we are
The purpose of EDGE Youth is, "To make young disciples in Houlton, rich in faith through the teaching of the gospel." We achieve this through what we call "The 5 P's of EDGE Youth," Posture, Promote, Practice, Pursue, and Prioritize. Through these 5 P's, youth are able to connect with the Father, Son, and Spirit in a tangible way and do so in community with one another, building each other up, strengthening their relationship with God and each other!

Youth center
Our up-to-date EDGE Youth Center has everything you need for a good time throughout the week!
Games? Check!
Movies? Check!
Full kitchen and dining? Check!
Study & Hangout rooms? Check!

Want to learn more?
Fill out the information below to start a conversation. We would love to hear from you!